Wynetta Devore Memorial Fund
The Hiscock Legal Aid Society (HLA) mourns the loss of former Board Member Dr. Wynetta Devore who passed away in December 2020.
Dr. Devore spent her life in the service of others. Born in North Carolina and raised in New Jersey, Dr. Devore received an undergraduate degree from Hope College in Michigan and her master’s and doctorate from Rutgers. She found a myriad of ways to serve the communities she cared about throughout her life, one that took her to London, England, Cape Town, South Africa and Syracuse, New York, where she served on our Board for many years.
Legal Aid has set up a “Wynetta Devore Memorial Fund” to honor her time with our organization. Funds raised from this will allow HLA to re-imagine the agency’s wrap around social services, something critically important for many clients and something Dr. Devore was very passionate about. Additionally funds will give Legal Aid flexibility as we continue to do the important work of meeting clients where they are at, and promoting justice for all.
“Dr. Devore exemplifies what it means to be a trailblazer,” said Executive Director Linda Gehron. “She was naturally curious, compassionate and she made our Board, and by extension, our organization, stronger because she was a part of it.”
“Whether it was supporting students in London, collaborating with township residents in Cape Town, or providing insight to the Hiscock Legal Aid Society Board, Dr. Devore did so with her whole heart,” said Board Chair Conor Kirchner. “Her legacy of social justice will continue through the work of HLA.”